Teen Auto Insurance Coverage Shouldn’t Cost a Fortune

Watching their kids start driving is a major milestone in the lives of most parents. It means that they are gaining a level of control in their lives that they previously didn’t have. Even better, giving your kids the independence to drive themselves will relieve the pressure off you having to pick them up or take them to events. However, it comes with the risk of your kids being involved in a road accident, especially in a world where car crashes are the leading cause of teen deaths, according to BBC News.

With the right auto insurance coverage, you can worry less. The sad thing is that your kids’ insurance can pile up the costs of car ownership in your household, but it is a necessary cost. Sure, adding your teens’ vehicles into your insurance coverage is way cheaper than them using their own, but there is much more you can do to lower the cost of auto insurance.

Here is how to make paying for your teen’s auto insurance pocket-friendly:

Start With the Right Driver Training 

Teenagers are curious in nature. They want to discover new things and experience new situations. However, being behind the wheel is never a great time to be drunk, play distracting music, or even text friends. If your kid does these things, they increase the chances that they will be involved in a car accident. Even worse, you might be surprised at how easily they can pick certain distracted driving trends from you as a parent, making parents among the worst options for training budding teenager drivers.

In case of an accident, the chances are that your insurance premiums will increase, which is why you should focus on keeping your kids safe on the road. By enrolling them in the right driving course, you can rest assured that they will learn safe driving from the best. The training doesn’t even have to take ages for them to complete. You can easily enrol them in quick and consolidated driving courses to save some time.

Take Advantage of Discounts

Insurance companies offer a lot of discounts which can reduce the cost of car insurance in your home. For instance, you can always rely on the kind of discounts that they offer clients who have vehicles with anti-theft devices as well as safety features. As for teenagers, some agencies offer a good grade discount.

It is perceived that teenagers with good grades are more likely to be responsible on the road than the rest. Another discount worthy relying on is the off-to-college discount, where agencies require you to pay lower premiums for your teen’s vehicle if your teenager leaves their vehicle behind once they go off to college.

Consider Usage-Based Insurance

Conventionally, insurance agencies decided on the rate of your insurance based on a variety of factors, including driving history, credit score, and your driving frequency. However, this system is not always an accurate representation of the insurance rates you deserve. Lucky for you, telematics devices can help you pay for insurance at the right rate.

The devices are installed in your vehicle where they can record your driving patterns, making it easy to calculate an ad hoc rate. Ideally, you will pay an insurance premium based on the data collected, and you get a discount for installing the device. If you trust your teen’s driving habits, consider this option.

Shop Around For Insurance Policies

Sure, the wisest decision would be to get your kids insured under the same insurance policy as yourself. If this isn’t a great option for your situation, consider shopping around for insurance coverage. If you get the contact of an experienced Rogers State Farm auto insurance agent or someone similar, you can ring them up, and make an inquiry. Some businesses might offer better rates for teenagers than others. Be sure to ask about the nitty-gritty details of the insurance coverage to avoid hidden costs.


Auto insurance costs should be the least of your worries, considering how easy it is to lower your teen’s auto insurance costs. It all trickles down to the insurance agency you work with and how responsible your kids are behind the wheel. Consider the tips to usher your kids into driving the right way.