How to prepare a business Plan

A business plan is generally a piece of document, that details the futuristic goals and objectives of a company or business, and the steps and strategies required to attain these goals.

Many businesses fail due to the lack of a proper plan at the start-up. Creating a business plan allows you as a fresh business owner to properly itemize and detail every step in creating the firm to not only ensure success but also prepare you for any obstacles that may arise along the way. If they are looking for investors they need to see how they have set out their plan and how lucrative it can be for everyone involved, for instance, How many CBD gummies should I eat? that is entirely up to what it is you are using the gummies for also if they are setting up a health business and are using CBD oil manufacturers to create personal products, investors need to know how they are planning on expanding on that and what they can predict with the market going the way it is. There is a lot that needs to be considered.

Having these goals and aspirations written down on paper can help to give you something to aim for, as well as establish what needs to be done before you can open up for business. There are so many things that need to be considered that writing them down in a business plan is the only effective way to see what needs to be done. For example, if you haven’t decided on whether you’re looking for an accelerator or incubator program (view it in extensive detail here) based on what your needs are, then you may not be as prepared as you initially thought. Now, do you see why having a business plan is important?

A business plan has many benefits, some of which are:

  • It helps in knowing your audience market, and how to get them familiarized with the services you provide
  • It helps you to properly review the outlay of your business idea, spot potential problems in it, realize some areas that you may have left unexplored and address accordingly.
  • It also makes you draw a budget, calculate a rough estimate of how long it would take to realize profits, and how significant those profits would be in the long run.
  • Finally, with a proper business plan, it would be easier for you to convince potential investors to put their money in you, and recruit employees with the same mindset and goals.

Types of business Plans

Before delving into how to create the business plan, it is imperative that we discuss the 4 types of plans.

  1. MiniPlan – This is like the main plan, except for the fact that it mainly covers the main points while leaving out the extra details; it is in essence, a summary.
  1. Presentation Plan – this is mainly for investors. When you want to advertise your potential startup to potential investors, the presentation plan helps you project the business plan in words on a screen while you try to sell the idea using words and emotion. The important thing to note is, the presentation should be simple, but yet interesting, in order to keep the attention of the audience.
  1. Working Plan – This is where the majority of what you intend to do will be contained. The plan does not have to be exquisite or extremely detailed. It should just contain ideas, working principles, and strategies for making the firm work. Most importantly, it should be reserved for only some selected staff within the company.
  1. What-If Plan – As evident from the name, this contains possible scenarios of problems that are more likely to arise during the execution of the business, and the steps to put in place to counteract the said issues. It will also contain future plans for expansion or reduction, depending on how much people patronize the services you are offering.

Writing the business Plan

There are two ways to write a plan: lean startup, or traditional fashion. They are both great ways to prepare a plan, whichever choice you make is dependent on what you need. As you may have guessed, the traditional way is more common amongst most people, detailing almost every step required along the way. The lean startup is more of itemizing key points and ideas required, without delving into much details; it is usually one page long at most.


If you are a person who loves going into details, this type is for you. It is usually required by major investors looking to take a chance on a startup. This kind uses some or all of the following sub-sections

  • Summary- this essentially informs the audience on a brief overview of the startup company, containing its operation, the services it intends to render, and why you feel the firm will be a huge success so they should invest in it
  • Market analysis – The plan must contain how well your services are currently fairing in the world, in order to determine how to better the business for yourself and maximize profits.
  • Order and Management – this section must contain the structure of the firm, how many employees you intend to employ, the number of management staff, whether or not the firm will later become a partnership, or a publicly traded corporation.
  • Service – in this section, you need to properly expatiate on what good or service you intend to provide, why you’ve chosen it, the demand for such a service in your immediate surroundings, and how you will sell the good and service to potential buyers.
  • Marketing strategy – there are a variety of ways to advertise your service e to the general public. This section must contain a detailed explanation of your advertising strategy, how you intend to gain customers, and keep those customers and how the plans for referrals will work.
  • Funds – how you intend to finance this establishment must be addressed, whether through loans, or investments; how much the firm will require to fully function, and a draft of how the money in question will be spent, payment of salaries, covering production and utilities bills, etc., as well as how you intend to pay off the debt. You might enlist the help of a financial modelling company such as can be found here that can help you to assess scenarios on your business’s financial outlook.

This particular area is quite key, so you must include your personal financial statements, mortgages, previous loan history, and financial projections for the coming years. In doing so, you get to reassure investors that you are worth spending their money on.

Once these have been successfully penned down, the business plan is ready to be implemented. You may also be required to submit some other documents alongside the plan, depending on the investor.

Lean Startup

This is generally used if you intend to either briefly explain the tenets of your business, or if you intend to begin operations quickly. It can also be applicable to people whose businesses are not solidly defined and can very easily change service rendered over time. In this kind of plan, all the features are simply highlighted, without dealing in specifics and possible scenarios. Generally, establishments opened with this type of plan are done with a leap of faith.


The process of creating a business plan is not as daunting as some may imagine, and this piece hopefully covers some of what you need to prepare your own plan, since a business plan covers basically every aspect of everything your business might entail; which is why it is always good to have one.