My name is Will McCarthy, and I am a risk assessment manager at one of the largest insurance companies in North America. My job is to identify and evaluate potential risks that could jeopardize the reputation, security, and financial stability of my client’s organisation. I earned my risk assessment master’s degree at the local university, and started my career shortly after. I have a wonderful wife, her name is Samantha, we’ve been married for two years. I travel a lot, and whenever I have to visit a client abroad, she usually accompanies me. I enjoy my professional life, and value the fact that she becomes part of it on occasion. We are a great team.
The Idea behind the Website
I had a couple of good reasons for creating this website, but the most important one was creativity. I have a creative mind that doesn’t really have without an off-switch, and I enjoy brainstorming even when I am at home. The role of a risk assessment manager is diversified. This means I have to possess considerable knowledge on a number of topics beyond risk management, including economics, statistics, law, management and business studies, and even some aspects of science. The position requires a creative and sometimes inquisitive mind. Thankfully, my creative spirit makes me good at my job and also allows me to talk about risk assessment in a unique and diverse way.
Sharing My Knowledge
After developing the website and putting hundreds of hours into it – not including research -, we now have a platform that can offer valuable information to just about anybody who is either interested in the insurance world, or thinking about getting insurance. If there is a topic with any kind relevance to our main profile, there is a high probability that we’ve already tackled it. The website is already popular, and yet its signup rate continues to increase. It is a growing business with nice returns.
The Monetisation of the Website
It’s no secret that the website earns me money, just as it does for several of my guests and partners. I share my ideas and tips free, nobody has to pay for the access, and I don’t think that will ever change. Having said that, I do advertise my services, which is a win-win for everybody. My readers know who I am, they understand the value of my expert advice, and when they need my full services, they reach out to me. I also use ad-sense and on top of that, we have a popular referral system in place. Even in the course of these changes, the main goal remains, to provide highly valuable expert tips to those who are thinking of getting new insurance cover, or ditch the old one.
The Blog
I love risk management. It is a goldmine of ideas, and you constantly have to update your knowledge. The blog reflects these sentiments. I myself stay up-to-date on any relevant aspects of my profession, regardless of whether it directly or indirectly involves what I do. I enjoy reading about it, and I use that knowledge to fuel my passion for the website. I feel like I have already accomplished something with this platform and the blog, and we have big plans for it.
Since risk assessment is such a diverse topic with far reaching implications, I am quite confident that others will want to contribute as writers. This is a place where you can share your ideas, and even make some money off them in the long run. Stay tuned for these opportunities, and thank you for visiting my website.